Free e-course: The Magic of Five Element Acupuncture
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Michael Arnold Lic Ac. Co-founder of FEAT
Hi I’m Michael Arnold. For the last 15 years I’ve dedicated myself to the practice and teaching of Five Element Acupuncture.
"Can you make a living out of acupuncture? Does it even work?"
These were my dad’s words when I told him I’d decided to study acupuncture. My dad is a doctor and can be very sceptical of anything he can’t measure or quantify. So confronting him with the fact that I wanted to be an acupuncturist was not an easy task.
In reality his response was just his way of showing her cared for me. He didn’t want me to go through the pain of making the wrong choice
When you make a decision to study something like acupuncture it can feel like a lonely path sometimes. There are a lot of people who either don’t understand what acupuncture is or who just don’t believe it works.
Incidentally, my dad is now a raving fan of acupuncture, having experienced what it can do first hand. But that’s another story.
There is a song by Supertramp called the Logical song. You might be able to relate to the lyrics:
"When I was young it seemed that life was so wonderful, a miracle.
Oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees well they'd be singing so happily, oh joyfully.
Oh playfully, watching me.
But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical.
Oh responsible, practical.
And then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
oh clinical, intellectual, cynical."
Maybe you know you don't fit into this mad world. This world of order and logic and reason.
For a long time you might even have believed that you were the mad one.